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Zippy’s Friends is listed in CASEL Guide to SEL programmes


CASEL’s database of approved programmes is much consulted by practitioners around the world who are looking to implement evidence-based programmes. CASEL has analysed numerous research studies from around the world, producing solid evidence that promoting SEL also improves children’s academic performance. Such evidence is often a convincing factor for government departments and other budget holders when deciding whether to invest in social and emotional programmes for schools, and if so, which to choose.

CASEL has a rigorous approval procedure for inclusion of programmes in its Guide, and the process to approve Zippy’s Friends has taken four years. The assessors agreed that the programme meets the stringent criteria, showing that it is effective in promoting SEL. Currently, Zippy’s Friends is included as a ‘complementary’ programme, as Zippy only covers one school year. Once we have further evidence of effectiveness for Apple and Passport too, we shall apply to have our suite of programmes included in the main database.

Partnership for Children
9 July 2019