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We have recently completed a four year project thanks to the Kavli Trust

We have recently completed a four-year project to offer our full range of Skills for Life mental health promotion programmes to primary schools in the Northeast of England. This work was made possible thanks to funding from the Kavli Trust who are generous supporters of good causes in the UK and overseas. The Kavli Group owns Team Valley in Gateshead and they were keen to support work in the local area.

Partnership for Children worked with Children Northeast, a charity focused on transforming lives of the most disadvantaged children in the region, to recruit schools, deliver training and provide on-going support to schools taking part in the project.

Teachers were trained and received the resources to run our full suite of Skills for Life programmes (Zippy’s Friends, Apple’s Friends, Passport and SPARK Resilience) covering the age range 5 – 12 years. Special schools and schools with specialist provision were also given resources for pupils with special educational needs so that every child could benefit.

If I was rating the programmes out of 10, I would honestly give them a 10. They were very positive and very engaging. The children loved them." - Teacher

I’ve been surprised by the level of independence that I now see the children deal with difficult situations and also the self-awareness. I see a lot of those lessons where they’re actually able to say, ‘I know that I’m acting like that because of this and maybe I could try this next time instead’.” - Apple’s Friends Teacher

I’ve found the children really, really opened up about the things and some children you might not have expected to say anything, did.” - Passport Teacher

The funding from the Kavli Trust provided a unique opportunity to offer joined-up mental health support to children across the whole school and to learn more about the combined impact the Skills for Life programmes can have on children’s well-being Learning from this project will impact our programmes across the UK and has been shared with our partner organisations in over 25 countries around the world.

Partnership for Children
10 December 2024