Apple‘s Friends in Lithuania – A Celebration of Skills Learnt
Our partner organisation in Lithuania, Vaiko Labui, share this reflection from an Apple‘s Friends class about their last day with Apple before the Summer break.
On the last day of school, the Extended School Group held a farewell party for the Apple's Friends programme. In the programme, the children learnt how to overcome social and emotional difficulties, how to listen attentively, how to make and keep friendships, how to overcome loneliness and bullying, how to resolve conflicts, and how to cope with change.
The programme has provided the children with a wealth of knowledge, opportunities to express themselves and to learn more about the world and themselves. It was fun to teach Apple's Friends classes. Each lesson has brought positive emotions to both the children, and the teacher, Rita Kamaitienė.
During the last session, the children received their Apple's Friends diplomas and said goodbye to the programme mascot Apple, the hamster.
We hope that the social skills learned will encourage the desire to communicate in a friendly way, the ability to cooperate, to find the best solution to difficulties not only in the classroom, at school, but also in other social situations.
Alytus "Drevinukas" School and Kindergarten, 7 June 2023