Zippy's Friends helps children express their emotions more easily
Marilyn Charles is a higher level Teaching Assistant and Family Support Worker at a primary school in Gloucestershire. She teaches Zippy’s Friends to her year 1 class.
“Zippy’s Friends is a fantastic, fun resource to assist the children in our care. It helps them to show improved social behaviours and sets them on a path to discussing emotions leading to better emotional health. Children can express their emotions more easily and they are better at dealing with their feelings. Plus I really enjoy teaching the programme and it’s really helped me to get to know the class better.
It’s not just me who’s noticed the difference. Parents have said how the children talk about feelings and strategies they have in place to sort issues. They have also commented on the mature language the children use when discussing the topics we have covered.
A child with an Education Health and Care Plan for social, emotional and mental health needs joined us after Christmas and he was extremely anxious having moved house and school. Initially he found it difficult to express his feelings but after a few weeks he was asking if it was Zippy day and participating with his peers. Now he is able to verbalise his feelings more easily and does not display the negative behaviours we had witnessed previously.
"Zippy’s Friends is an excellent resource to show children ways to have improved emotional health both now and in the future."
I really enjoy teaching the programme and it’s really helped me to get to know the class