Apple’s Friends – following Zippy across the world
Ever since Zippy’s Friends was first trialled over 17 years ago, teachers have asked, ‘What’s next?’ After many years and stages of development, Apple’s Friends has been launched as the follow-up programme to Zippy. However, children don’t have to have done Zippy to do Apple – it can be run as a programme by itself.
It’s now running in Brazil, China, England, Jordan, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and Trinidad and Tobago, and will be running soon in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Feedback from teachers, children and parents has been as positive as that we receive for Zippy, as you can see from the quotes below. And when the Trimbos Institute in the Netherlands conducted a randomised control trail, they found that doing both programmes had more significant effects than just doing Zippy’s Friends.
In the UK, we’ve now developed training course for both trainers and teachers which cover both Zippy and Apple, while retaining single-programme training as required.
If you’d like to find out more, contact us.
My personal THANKS for the program Apple Friend’s. Although I am already a 55 year old teacher, this program has taught me myself to search/look and find more different ways out of difficult situations. I have changed myself and my life has become better. - Teacher
"Apple’s Friends" helped my son a lot. Now he communicates much more openly and makes friends easily. The program taught him to adapt to life and other children in the classroom. He became more flexible and learned to solve or even to avoid conflicts. - Parent
I felt better when I learned that others sometimes feel like I do. - Apple's Friends pupil
Now I know that there are many ways to get out of bad situations. I never knew there were so many names for emotions. - Apple's Friends pupil
Apple’s Friends is the new lesson which is my favourite class. Because it is very interesting and the most importantly, I have learned many ways to solve the problem. For example, there are a lot of troubles in my life, I don’t know how to face them. So I often get upset. In the lesson I learned the proper solution to cope with this kind of situation. After my mom knew I learned it in class, she was very glad. Now I can make friends easily, no matter the person is younger or older. I always see the positives of them. Even there is a conflict, I can give the priority to others. Thank you, Apple’s Friends! Thank you my teacher! - Apple's Friends pupil